Kuba Textiles: The Art of a Kingdom

Kuba design cloths are multi-use, geometric panels produced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They tell a 400-year story spanning the unification of a kingdom, the creation and collapse of a Belgian colony, and the birth of an international art market.

Explore Kuba Textiles: The Art of a Kingdom

“Nothing Servile:” Native Resistance at the Santee Normal Training School

“Nothing Servile:” Native Resistance at the Santee Normal Training Schooltells the story of how students at a Native American boarding school combatted forces of assimilation and preserved aspects of their cultures. Curated by Morgan Lippert ’21, it explores our nation’s infamous Native American boarding school system—in doing so, questioning Santee’s connections to Beloit College.

Explore “Nothing Servile:” Native Resistance at the Santee Normal Training School

Black Resistance and Persistence

Black Resistance and Persistenceis a collection of stories about anti-Black racism in America and the lasting legacy of the transatlantic slave trade. Slavery legally “ended” in 1865, but Black people still experience violence, systematic disenfranchisement, and exclusion from health care, education, and economic and political life. At its core, this exhibition is about the fight for justice, equity, and inclusion.

Explore Black Resistance and Persistence

What Does Food Mean to You?

  • What memories do you have of food?
  • 你如何identity inform what and how you eat?
  • Where does your food come from?
  • Who taught you about the food you make and eat?
  • Is your food linked to immigration and migration stories?

These are some of the questions students in Dr. Jennifer Esperanza’s Food and Culture class at Beloit College thought about as they explored food’s many meanings. In this exhibit, students share stories about food and what it means to them, their families, and those around them.

We invite you to visit the exhibit to read these stories, learn a new recipe, and think about what food means to you.

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