
What was done, and what must be done

(An introduction to “维持真实的f Difficult, Dialogue”从2015年春季发行)



那天是我想起的那一天,并不是我们校园或我们校友中的每个人总是感觉好像是个好人 - 就像他们一直被想要,重视的话,甚至在这里安全。


这一事件很快就出现在我们发现在图书馆的黑板上哭泣的种族诽谤,不久之后就勾勒出了反种族主义海报的绞索。在同一星期五,就在惠特尼活动向安全报道的前几个小时,我们的一位教授散发了一封校园范围内的电子邮件,使所有人都意识到,他在哲学办公室附近挂着的一张大海报被盗。海报是几周前被污损的较大版本 - 当我为春季发行的信中写信时,我坐了一下Beloit College杂志a few days earlier, not knowing all that was to come.


We must act. We must change. The change must be real and sustainable. It must have pace and substance.

As these incidents multiplied, it became obvious to me that the lessons I had been learning as a part of a Sustained Dialogue group were immediately necessary to me—as Scott Bierman and as President Bierman.



我们可以指出一些进度指标。例如,我们学院的国内少数族裔学生的百分比从2005年的学生群的9%增加到今年的19%。我们已经对教师的招聘做法进行了改造,以促进更大的多样性。我们已经寻求并获得了赠款,以支持跨文化参与。尽管如此,正如有人在市政厅院长迪恩·克拉维特(Dean Klawitter)中所说的那样,这些事件发生后的一周,也许贝洛伊特(Beloit)更好。但是比什么更好?比全国其他地区更好?这真的是我们想要的吗?

我t’s not what I want.

We should be better. We need to fully face our own racism with renewed honesty and in confronting it, commit ourselves to a Beloit that is discernably a place of excellence for a much higher proportion of our students.

As I write this I am hours away from being presented with a list of student demands. In doing so, they will be calling upon the efforts of other Beloiters at the college who, in 1969 and other times, have done the same.

但是这次,这所大学也将带来自己的一系列需求。我们已经开始了一个旨在迅速发展的社区起草过程。inclusive excellence。”您可以看到我们正在编译的内容here

虽然您会看到我们邀请了学生,教职员工将他们的想法添加到受密码保护的表格中,但我不希望您被排除在外。如果您有提出的想法,要陈述的野心或要分享的故事,希望您会通过电子邮件将其发送给presoffice@beloit.edu。我们将与领导团队formi分享这些ng around this effort.

These have been some of the hardest weeks I’ve known in my career. To see students, faculty, and staff I admire stung by overt acts of racism, and then hurt by my own mistakes and shortcomings has been hard.


There are many on this campus who feel or have felt embattled, endangered and excluded. Some of them are our people of color. Others have been women (and yes, men) who were sexually assaulted by classmates and friends. Many of these came to Beloit believing this would be the place where they could finally, totally be themselves—only to find that acceptance fleeting or incomplete.

We owe them better than that. Beloit can do something. We will do something. Tomorrow can be a great day to be a Beloiter.

Stay tuned.


同样,请在此处查看我们不断发展的野心清单(在Beloit的包容性卓越) and send us your own ideas and ambitions for your college topresoffice@beloit.edu

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